Personal Data

Welcome to, your online store dedicated to rugby! We are committed to protecting your personal data and would like to inform you of our privacy policy.

We collect personal data in order to provide you with a better service. In this regard, our privacy policy aims to inform you about the following information:

  • The personal data collected
  • How we use this data
  • Who can access this data
  • Your rights as a user of the site
  • Our cookie policy

This privacy policy should be read in conjunction with our terms and conditions of use. At, we aim to provide you with a pleasant and secure online experience. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we comply with the following rules regarding data privacy.


Personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. It is collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. We undertake to limit the data collected to what is strictly necessary, to keep it up to date and to retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

We also guarantee appropriate security of personal data to prevent any unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Processing is only considered lawful if at least one of the following conditions is met: the data subject has given consent, performance of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation, protection of vital interests of the data subject or another natural person, performance of a task carried out in the public interest, or pursuit of the legitimate interests of the controller.


By using our site, you consent to the conditions set out in this policy on personal data as well as the collection, use and retention of the personal data listed in this policy. We therefore invite you to read this policy carefully to understand how we collect, use and protect your personal data.


We wish to inform our users of that when they visit and use our site, we may automatically collect and store the following information:

  • Location,
  • Hardware and software details,
  • Links clicked by a user while using the site,
  • Content viewed on the site.

In addition, we may also collect the following data non-automatically when you perform certain functions on our site:

  • First name and last name,
  • Date of birth,
  • Email,
  • Phone number

This data may be collected when you create an account, register an order or return an order.

We would like to point out that we only collect data that is necessary to achieve the objective set out in this privacy policy. We will not collect any additional data without informing you in advance.


We want to reassure our users that the personal data collected on our website will only be used for the purposes specified in this policy. The data we automatically collect is used for the following purposes: to establish statistics, to personalize your user experience.

At, we take the confidentiality of our users' personal data very seriously. We use the personal data collected responsibly and in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

We use the personal data we collect to provide quality products and services to our customers, to manage orders, process payments, and deliver ordered products. We may also use this data to respond to customer requests, communicate with them, and provide technical support.

We also use personal data for marketing and advertising purposes, including sending promotional offers, newsletters, and information about new products and services available on our platform. We may also use this data to personalize advertisements displayed on our platform and on other websites.

As for the data collected when the user performs certain functions, it may be used for the following purposes: to communicate with you, process and execute your orders, and keep a record of your orders. We are committed to not using your personal data for purposes other than those indicated in this privacy policy. If we decide to use them for different purposes, we will inform you in advance and ask for your consent, unless the law allows or obliges us to do so.


We want to inform our users that we do not retain their personal data beyond what is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.


At, we want to inform you that all information in your account is used exclusively in the context of your relationship with our company. We never share this information with third parties or resell it without your permission.

We are aware that despite our security measures, there is always a potential risk of harm to user data. While we do our best to ensure the security of your personal data, we cannot guarantee their security beyond what is reasonably practical, due to the sometimes insecure nature of the internet as a whole.


We wish to inform our users that, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), individuals under the age of 15 are considered minors for the purposes of data collection. Minors must have the consent of a legal guardian for their data to be collected, processed, and used.


Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), they have the following rights as data subjects:

  • Right of access: You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold about you and how we use it.

  • Right of rectification: You have the right to request the correction of your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Right to erasure: You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if you withdraw your consent.

  • Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

  • Right to data portability: You have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to transmit it to another controller, if technically feasible.

  • Right to object: You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, including profiling.

You can exercise these rights by contacting us directly. You can find further information on these rights in Chapter 3 (Articles 12 to 23) of the GDPR.


When you browse our website, we may place information on your device called "cookies," which are stored on your device. Cookies can help us facilitate your navigation and offer you more personalized content. They allow us to know which pages you have visited, in order to offer you more precise advertisements or to better guide you on our website.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you have the right to refuse or disable them. We use the following types of cookies on our website:

  • Necessary cookies: These cookies are essential to allow you to navigate our store and use its functions, such as accessing secure areas of the website. Cookies that enable you to retain items in your cart, cookies that enable you to stay logged in, and cookies that record your personalized preferences are examples of strictly necessary cookies. These cookies are essential to the functionality of a website and cannot be disabled by users.
  • Preference cookies: Also known as "functionality cookies." These cookies allow a website to remember choices you have made in the past, such as your preferred language, your favorite search filters, or your username and password so that you can log in automatically.
  • Statistical cookies: Also known as "performance cookies." These cookies collect information about how you use a website, such as the pages you have visited and the links you have clicked on. None of this information can be used to identify you. Everything is aggregated and therefore anonymous. Their sole purpose is to improve website functions. This includes cookies from third-party analysis services such as Google, such as visitor analysis, heat maps, and social media analysis.
  • Marketing cookies: These cookies track your online activity to help advertisers deliver more relevant ads or to limit the number of times you see an ad. These cookies may share this information with other organizations or advertisers such as Google. These are persistent cookies and almost always third-party. You can choose to be notified every time a cookie is transmitted. You can also choose to disable cookies entirely in your internet browser, but this may diminish the quality of your user experience. At, we use third-party advertising cookies to collect information that allows us to better tailor ads to your interests, both on our Platform and elsewhere. In some cases, these cookies require personal data processing. If you refuse these cookies, you may see ads that are not relevant or not be able to connect efficiently to Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks, as well as not being able to share content on social networks.
  • We work with analytical solutions offered by third parties on our Platform. These third parties provide us with reports on the use of our Platform, allowing us to better understand the interests and demographic situation of our Platform users. These reports do not contain information that directly identifies you. However, these third parties may use these reports for our personalized advertising campaigns if you have authorized certain advertising customization services. If applicable law requires it, we will ask for your consent to carry out these activities. You can change your preferences at any time by accessing the "Cookie Settings" at the bottom of each page of our Platform.


We recommend that our users check our policy from time to time to ensure that they are informed of any updates. The personal data policy may be modified in order to maintain compliance with the law.

To learn more about the types of information we collect, see the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

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